8 seconds to sell your home!

8 seconds to sell your home!

At Property Canvas, we prefer where possible to accompany all the viewings on your home.

However, there may be times when this is impossible, for example, Sundays or late evenings, and you may find yourself showing a prospective buyer around your home yourself.  When there’s so much riding on a successful outcome, this can be quite a daunting prospect!

With such an important and complex subject as viewings techniques and strategy, there will be many more blog posts to come; in the meantime, (in the words of Julie Andrews) let’s start at the very beginning: you!

If you answer the door in your slops and slippers, in the middle of cooking dinner, your viewers will immediately feel a) unwelcome and b) unimportant. If instead, you dress smartly, and your house has clearly been prepared for them, they will feel both welcome and important!  You don’t have to wear a suit, or to have your hair done specially (!) but you do need to make an effort to look friendly and efficient.  If your viewers think that you take as much care of your home as you do over your appearance, they will immediately feel reassured and relaxed, and as a result, the viewing for them will be a very positive experience.

Research shows that we form a very strong opinion of someone in only 8 seconds!  First impressions really do count, and presenting the right image at the start of your viewing may just convert your viewers to buyers! 

Christos Nikolaou

Author: Christos Nikolaou

BEng Mechanical Engineering, MSc Real Estate, ETEK Property Valuer, Register and Licensed Real Estate Agent.

Christos Nikolaou is the founder and Managing Director of Property Canvas, he holds a license as an Estate Agent from the Association of Real Estate Agents of Cyprus and he is a registered Property Valuer in the Technical and Scientific Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK). He is the author of our “8 seconds to sell your home!” and is a certified advance negotiator.


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