Useful Telephones
If you are calling from abroad, then you will have to press the code 00357 before the number you would like to contact.
- First Aid / Police / Fire Station – 112
- Hospital - 26 803 100
- Pharmacies – 9090 1402
- Information (Directory Enquiries) - 11892
- Post Office - 26 306 221
- Tourist Information Office -26 930 521
- Town Hall -26 932 014
- Lost Property (Police) -26 806 060
- Airport – 7777 88 33
- Exact Time – 9090 1893
- Foreign Countries / Town Codes – Charges & Time Difference – 11894
- Local Calls – 190
- Complaints For International Calls – 11894
- Overseas Calls – 80 000 198
All numbers typically have 6 digits and a 2 digit code in front of the 6 digits that differentiates mobiles from landlines ( as well as to signify what province the caller is in) in the following manner:
- 99 - Mobile e.g 99123456
- 97 - Mobile
- 96 - Mobile
- 22 - Landline in Nicosia
- 23 - Landline in Famagusta
- 24 - Landline in Larnaka
- 25 - Landline in Limassol
- 26 - Landline in Pafos e.g 26 123 456